
The puzzle is most frequently a 9x9 grid, made up of 3x3 subgrids called "regions" (other terms include "boxes", "blocks", and the like when referring to the standard variation; even "quadrants" is sometimes used, despite this being an inaccurate term for a 9x9 grid). Some cells already contain numerals, known as "givens" (or sometimes as "clues"). The goal is to fill in the empty cells, one numeral in each, so that each column, row, and region contains the numerals 1-9 exactly once. Each numeral in the solution therefore occurs only once in each of three "directions" or "scopes", hence the "single numbers" implied by the puzzle's name.

Solution Methods

The strategy for solving a puzzle may be regarded as comprising a combination of three processes: scanning, marking up, and analysing.


Scanning is performed at the outset and throughout the solution. Scans only have to be performed one time in between analysis periods. Scanning consists of two basic techniques:
  • Cross-hatching: the scanning of rows (or columns) to identify which line in a particular region may contain a certain numeral by a process of elimination. This process is then repeated with the columns (or rows). For fastest results, the numerals are scanned in order of their frequency. It is important to perform this process systematically, checking all of the digits 1-9.
  • Counting 1-9 in regions, rows, and columns to identify missing numerals. Counting based upon the last numeral discovered may speed up the search. It also can be the case (typically in tougher puzzles) that the easiest way to ascertain the value of an individual cell is by counting in reverse-that is, by scanning the cells region, row, and column for values it cannot be, in order to see which is left.
Advanced solvers look for "contingencies" while scanning-that is, narrowing a numeral's location within a row, column, or region to two or three cells. When those cells all lie within the same row (or column) and region, they can be used for elimination purposes during cross-hatching and counting (Contingency example at Puzzle Japan). Particularly challenging puzzles may require multiple contingencies to be recognized, perhaps in multiple directions or even intersecting-relegating most solvers to marking up (as described below). Puzzles that can be solved by scanning alone without requiring the detection of contingencies are classified as "easy" puzzles; more difficult puzzles, by definition, cannot be solved by basic scanning alone.

Marking up

Scanning stops when no further numerals can be discovered. From this point, it is necessary to engage in some logical analysis. Many find it useful to guide this analysis by marking candidate numerals in the blank cells. There are two popular notations: subscripts and dots.
  • In the subscript notation the candidate numerals are written in subscript in the cells. The drawback to this is that original puzzles printed in a newspaper usually are too small to accommodate more than a few digits of normal handwriting. If using the subscript notation, solvers often create a larger copy of the puzzle or employ a sharp or mechanical pencil.
  • The second notation uses a pattern of dots within each square, where the position of the dot represents a number from 1 to 9. Dot schemes differ and one method is illustrated here. The dot notation has the advantage that it can be used on the original puzzle. Dexterity is required in placing the dots, since misplaced dots or inadvertent marks inevitably lead to confusion and may not be easy to erase without adding to the confusion. Using a sharp pencil with an eraser end is recommended.

An alternative technique, that some find easier, is to "mark up" those numerals that a cell cannot be. Thus a cell will start empty and as more constraints become known it will slowly fill. When only one mark is missing, that has to be the value of the cell. One advantage to this method of marking is that, assuming no mistakes are made and the marks can be overwritten with the value of a cell, there is no longer a need for any erasures.

When using marking, additional analysis can be performed. For example, if a digit appears only one time in the mark-ups written inside one region, then it is clear that the digit should be there, even if the cell has other digits marked as well.


The two main approaches to analysis are "candidate elimination" and "what-if".
  • In "candidate elimination", progress is made by successively eliminating candidate numerals from one or more cells to leave just one choice. After each answer has been achieved, another scan may be performed-usually checking to see the effect of the contingencies.

    One method of candidate elimination works by identifying "matched cells". Cells are said to be matched within a particular row, column, or region (scope) if two cells contain the same pair of candidate numerals (p,q) and no others, or if three cells contain the same triplet of candidate numerals (p,q,r) and no others. The placement of these numerals anywhere else within that same scope would make a solution for the matched cells impossible; thus, the candidate numerals (p,q,r) appearing in unmatched cells in that same row, column or region (scope) can be deleted.

    This principle also works with candidate numeral subsets, that is, if three cells have candidates (p,q,r), (p,q), and (q,r) or even just (p,r), (q,r), and (p,q), all of the set (p,q,r) elsewhere within that same scope can be deleted. The principle is true for all quantities of candidate numerals.

    A second related principle is also true. If, within any set of cells (row, column or region), a set of candidate numerals can only appear within a number of cells equal to the quantity of candidate numerals, the cells and numerals are matched and only those numerals can appear in the matched cells. Other candidates in the matched cells can be eliminated. For example, if the 2 numerals (p,q) can only appear in 2 cells within a specific set of cells (row, column or region), all other candidates in those 2 cells can be eliminated.

    The first principle is based on cells where only matched numerals appear. The second is based on numerals that appear only in matched cells. The validity of either principle is demonstrated by posing the question, 'Would entering the eliminated numeral prevent completion of the other necessary placements?' If the answer to the question is 'Yes,' then the candidate numeral in question can be eliminated. Advanced techniques carry these concepts further to include multiple rows, columns, and regions.

  • In the "what-if" approach (also called "guess-and-check", "bifurcation", and "Ariadne's thread"), a cell with only two candidate numerals is selected, and a guess is made. The steps above are repeated unless a duplication is found or a cell is left with no possible candidate, in which case the alternative candidate must be the solution. In logic, this is known as reductio ad absurdum. Nishio is a limited form of this approach: for each cell's candidate, the question is posed: will entering a particular numeral prevent completion of the other placements of that numeral? If the answer is yes, then that candidate can be eliminated. The what-if approach requires a pencil and eraser. This approach may be frowned on by logical purists as trial and error (and most published puzzles are built to ensure that it is not necessary to resort to this tactic), but it can arrive at solutions fairly rapidly.
Ideally one needs to find a combination of techniques that avoids some of the drawbacks of the above elements. The counting of regions, rows, and columns can become boring. Writing candidate numerals into empty cells can be time-consuming. The what-if approach can be confusing unless you are well organised. The proverbial Holy Grail is to find a technique that minimizes counting, marking up, and rubbing out.